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Maryann Amor

Christmas Eve 2024

Sermon by The Rev. Dr. Maryann Amor

One of the remarkable things about the Christmas story is how God invites people to be part of it. This isn’t a story where God acts alone. Instead, it unfolds through the willingness and faith of ordinary people.


Have you ever noticed how God doesn’t choose the powerful or the perfect for the story of Jesus’ birth? Instead, a young woman, a carpenter, shepherds, animals, and townspeople, are all invited to play a role in something extraordinary.


Our pageant began with words that truly capture this message, which is the heart of the nativity. The birth of Jesus is about God inviting people into a larger story, calling all of us to work with God in unfolding a greater vision for humanity…a vision where all are welcome, all realize their inherent worth, and all are loved, blessed, and valued for who they are.


And just like Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and all those who played a role in the first Christmas, we, too, are invited to step into God’s story—not just by remembering it tonight, but by living it out in our daily lives.


Too often, however, we miss this. The birth of Jesus is either dismissed as irrelevant or reduced to something cutesy. Some people get stuck on whether the nativity happened exactly as described in the Bible. They might wonder, Did a virgin really have a baby, defying science? Were there really angels? Was a baby really born in a dirty stable without anyone getting sick? These questions can dominate our minds, turning the nativity into a fantasy story with no meaning at all.


Others see it as quaint and cute—a tale to sit alongside Santa’s workshop, Rudolph, and Frosty, only to be packed away with the ornaments once Christmas is over.


Both these approaches, however, miss the point. They strip away the power and significance of the nativity. And, I think, it is in response to this, that we have Christmas pageants. Pageants aren’t about dressing up and putting on a performance…but they are meant to remind us of the powerful message that lies at the heart of the nativity: that God invites us, ordinary people, to participate, to act with God, and to be part of a bigger story.


Jesus’ birth is about the fact that God isn’t distant, living up in heaven, watching us from far away. But God comes down to earth…into the messiness, the chaos, and the reality of human life…as a tiny baby. God enters our world and calls us to respond, to step into this baby’s story.


This is what we symbolically acted out in our pageant. We dressed up and entered the nativity, playing a part. Each of us brought our own unique presence, coming together as a community to participate in God’s story.


And this isn’t just a one-time thing we do on Christmas Eve. God calls us to enter into this story every day. God loves us…each and every one of us, and God invites us to participate in something greater than ourselves, each day of our lives. Whether you attend worship every week or are here because family said you had to be, whether you have deep faith or are filled with doubts, whether you’re rich or poor, young or old, educated or not…God calls you.


God calls you to remember that life is more than what we can see or touch. It’s about more than the stuff we own, the awards we have, or the money we earn. There’s a bigger picture, and God invites us to help make it a reality.


So how do we do this? How do we play our part in God’s story? It’s often simpler than we imagine. It might mean offering kindness to someone, standing up for what’s right even when it’s hard, volunteering our time for those in need, or showing love to someone we find annoying or difficult to deal with. It could be feeding the hungry, donating to those who are struggling, or simply being present for someone who feels alone.


The Christ child in the manger reminds us that we are deeply loved. Right here, right now, you are loved. You are a blessing to this world. God has not forgotten you. And just as God entered the brokenness of Mary and Joseph’s lives in that stable, God enters your brokenness too.


But it’s up to us to choose whether we say yes to God and respond by joining God’s story. Will we step into the nativity? Once Christmas is over, will we continue to live God’s story every day, choosing to be generous and compassionate people? We can reflect God’s love in the world or, we can let fear and consumerism guide us. The choice is ours.

If we accept God’s invitation, if we live as people who are loved and called, then our lives will change…and so we will change the world. We will play our part in ensuring God’s story continues, bringing it closer to its ultimate climax…the realization of a world where hunger and pain are no more, where poverty is a thing of the past, where all are loved for who they are, and where every single person is welcome.


Today, God invites you to be part of this story. God does not act alone. Instead, God calls you. Through your willingness, God’s purposes for the earth will be fulfilled. God loves you, blesses you, and calls you—just as you are—to be part of something extraordinary. The question is: will you say yes? Will you step into God’s story and help bring love, peace, and hope to the world?




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